Apprentice Breeder Questionnaire
(New Breeders)
Name: _________________________________________
1. Muffin Related
How did you first hear about the RagaMuffin Cat? (RagaMuffin owners, web search, other breeders)
Why do you want to breed? - and why RagaMuffins?
What is your ultimate goal regarding breeding RagaMuffin kittens?
By what aspect/trait of this breed do you feel especially attracted?
Are you currently in contact with Breeders regarding the purchase of one or more breeding cats? If yes, with whom?
Have you ever had or do you currently have a cat as a pet?
Do you currently have any other types of animals?
2. Experience
What are your references? (Vet, Breeders...) Could you give us the name and address of people willing to give you a reference? Please do include your vet and other breeders.
Did or do you work with other breeds or animals? If yes, since when and which one(s)?
What is your opinion regarding showing cats and cat shows?
3. Family
Is your family supportive regarding your plan to become a Breeder?
Do you or anyone else in your household suffer from allergies?
Do you have children? If yes, what age(s)?
Are you working? Full-time or part-time?
Is someone home most of the time?
Who will take care of your cats when you are traveling or have to be away from home?
In case you are living in a rented apartment or house - what does your contract say regarding pets?
Have you checked all legal requirements for breeding (municipal and state law, permits needed etc.) and are you able to abide by them?
5. Finances
Please consider now your personal financial situation. Does it allow for all the expected - and even more so -sometimes unexpected expenses one has to face as a breeder?
Are you aware of the costs involved with breeding and raising healthy, well-cared-for kittens?
Please do a little calculation - when do you expect to break even?
Would you consider it important to break even - or less important - and why?
Mentor/Apprentice Code of Ethics
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